Black sand beach on film

Why am I shooting film again?  Well for one, it’s challenging!  So much to learn!  I started to feel bored with my digital camera, I wouldn’t even take it out to take personal, fun or family photos anymore.  If I did take a photo of the kids, it stayed in the camera for a while.  I saw it as a ‘work equipment’.

One day I dusted off my old Canon EOS3 and thought I’d give it a go again.  After being part of a film forum, I found there was so much more to film photography than I thought, I realized I never used it to its full potential!  I was hooked, a new hobby,  it just got me obsessed with learning photography all over again =)  I don’t think I’ll fully use it for a session or whole wedding….but I do love to bring it along with  me and shoot a few.

All these photos below taken with Kodak Portra 400 pushed 1.

