Having an Unplugged Wedding | Bridal Series

Nowadays, there is so much technology around us that it is hard to get away from.  It’s like a neccessary evil to have, and whether we like it or not, it’s here to stay.   It’s a struggle to really be in the moment when you see phones waving all over the place.  This is why I’m always pleasantly surprised when couples opt to have an unplugged wedding.  Have you ever heard of an unplugged wedding?  It’s when guests are asked to put their iPads and Phones away and just enjoy the moment of being together to witness a couple pledging their lives together.  It’s a beautiful thing and hopefully more and more couples will  decide to keep their ceremony unplugged.

Why unplugged?

  • Respect for the photographer and bride and groom.  It’s always so sad when trying to capture the groom seeing his bride for the first time but his view is blocked.  We also don’t want to miss the kiss at the ceremony only to have a few ipads and iphones get in the shot and ruin the moment.
  • Keeping the beeps and tones from a phone off.  Just like going to a movie, it’s rude to have your phone go off in the middle of a wedding!
  • Guests can really be a part of the ceremony and not be too busy texting and not paying attention to whats going on.


A lot of people don’t understand or can be quite pushy about having their own devices to take their own photos.  And that’s ok!  But here are some fun things to do to keep everyone happy and cooperative.

  • Make a cute sign for the ceremony asking people to stay unplugged.
  • Create a wedding Hashtag.  These are really popular right now, and telling people to use a hashtag AFTER the ceremony is a fun way to see the reception from different points of view.
  • Use a photo app like Photocircle for guests to upload all their wedding photos to.  It’s a fun and great way to keep things personal.


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