Bridal Series- The First Look

Many brides-to-be have probably heard about the First Look and wondered what it was, and should they do it?  Basically a First Look is when a groom gets to see his bride for the first time before the ceremony begins.  It’s contemporary, it’s fun, it’s emotional.  As a photographer I really think having a First Look is one of the best things you can do on your wedding day!  Here’s why.

  • Getting the formal portraits done and out of the way.  One of the main reasons why a couple decides to do a First Look is so that they can have their formal portraits done at the same time, leaving time later to enjoy other activities.  It makes things less stressful for the couple and easier for the photographer, which in turn leads to gorgeous portraits.
  • Calming your nerves and looking fresh.  Having this meeting together really calms the nerves for a bride and groom.  Seeing one another privately is a lot easier than in front of all of the guests!  Plus the groom will see the bride glowing right after getting her hair and makeup done.  Then they can dry their tears, redo her makeup, and be ready and steady for the actual ceremony!
  • Having an intimate, quiet time with your fiancé before the main event.  When the bride and groom sees each other for the first time before the actual ceremony begins, it gives the groom time to really take in the moment to see his bride.  There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a groom gush over his bride.



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