Bridal Series- Getting the Gown On

One of my favorite moments on a wedding day is the time when the bride is ready to get her wedding gown on.  Everyone is buzzing with excitement and tears and seeing the bride glow with happiness makes my heart swell.  Here are some fun tips for getting the gown on and being photograph ready on your wedding day.  


  • Get the room ready.  Clear the clutter and find a place that is roomy and has beautiful light, such as one with a sliding door or big windows.  Make sure to remove or fix anything unsightly, such as suitcases and unmade beds.
  • Have the attendants dressed and prepared before the bride.  This way nobody is running around trying to get their dress on while all the focus should be on the bride.
  • Find a pretty robe or lingerie to have on prior to getting the dress on.  Lay out any special jewelry or mementos that you want photographed.  Hang up the veil and have  shoes all ready in one area ready to go.
  • Designate a special someone to zip up the dress (perhaps the mother or maid of honor), help the bride put on the shoes and help with holding hair back, etc.  These little touches all make the bride feel special.
  • Have all the people you want in the room, but also make sure to keep the moment special and not overwhelming.  Give the bride some breathing room to collect her thoughts and savor the moment.

bridesmaids help to put brides dress on